A big thank you to the staff and students at PSU! On September 28, the group volunteered at the gardens helping clean up garden plots before the end of season.
The students had a wonderful time, and would have happily worked more. A couple even said, as we were leaving, "I wish we could do this more often!"

PSU Service Day
Each year, PSU encourages students to get off campus, work with a local partner, and provide free energy, labor and service to the community. We are grateful and honored that SCG was chosen this year!
#volunteers #sycamorecommunitygarden #plymouthstateuniversity #volunteering #newhampshire #newamericans #garden

Thank you to professors Laura Tilghman & Whitney Howarth for organizing the event!
Whitney Howarth, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of History
Dr. Laura Tilghman
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
